Sexless Marriage – 50 Shades of Pink Blog Sexual Health, Relationships, Marriage, Sexless Marriage, Dating and Divorce Fri, 27 Jul 2018 06:46:48 +0000 en-CA hourly 1 What Men Want /what-men-want/ /what-men-want/#respond Fri, 27 Jul 2018 06:41:28 +0000 /?p=3093 There are seven things that men want from their boss lady.

1. Men want to be desired. So let him know you are physically attracted to him & compliment him when you can. Let him know you're proud of his accomplishments.

2. Men aren't afraid of honesty & they don't want to feel like they have to change who they are for you. You can't change him so don't even try.

2. Men are linear in their goals & objectives & have no appreciation for drama. Don't come at him broadside especially if it is irrelevant to him.

4. Wrap your arms around him, show a little PDA. Initiate.

Women are linear too & believe that sexual desire comes first. Take a page out of Nike's book, "Just do it!" If you enjoy it, it's called responsive desire. It's a bio-psycho-social model that resonates with today's busy woman.

5. Never let him believe your love is conditional. Remember, he likes his freedom. Don't undermine him or threaten his masculinity.

6. Be authentic & real. Don't fake anything especially the Big O! Let him help you to experience them!

7. Talk to bed. Guide him. Men are totally turned on when a woman verbalizes what she wants, what feels good & when she feels pleasure. Be vulnerable in bed, open up & let go.

You can still be a boss but be yourself & he'll be his.

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Sex After Baby; Love, Lust and Laxity /sex-after-baby-love-lust-and-laxity/ /sex-after-baby-love-lust-and-laxity/#respond Wed, 28 Feb 2018 04:58:12 +0000 /?p=3067 Eileen was so excited to have had her first baby with her husband Edward. She had an idea of the demands of a new baby as her best friend had given birth recently. That said, she was nervous that the demands of the baby might impact her relationship with her husband.

What Eileen didn't expect when she was expecting was a change in her sexual function after the birth of her baby. Eileen and Edward resumed intimate relations as per the doctor's order at six weeks postpartum. Although Eileen felt closer than ever to Edward she was surprised that sexually things felt different. Her doctor recommended Kegel exercises but after many weeks, they didn't help with her lack of sexual sensation.

Eileen emailed me after hearing a segment on my radio show the Sunday Night Health Show with Dr. Bruce Alan an obstetrician and gynecologist. We spoke about those sensitive issues that may occur after a woman has a baby such as physical, psychological and relationship changes.

Women tell Dr. Alan that things have changed sexually after childbirth, it's not as pleasurable and they're not as engaged in intercourse anymore which may lead to relationship issues. Dr. Alan explained that after childbirth women experience a combination of tone and tissue changes due to the distention of the vagina during a vaginal delivery which is referred to as vaginal laxity or looseness.

The vaginal tissue is composed of collagen and elastin. With the stretching of the tissues during a vaginal delivery, collagen and elastin are lost. Kegel exercises may help to increase muscle tone but won't help with the sensation.

Restoration of collagen in the vaginal tissues is needed to improve sexual sensation for women. Dr. Alan and I discussed Geneveve by Viveve a new radio frequency, energy type treatment that heats the vaginal tissues and stimulates fibroblasts which are important in the restoration of collagen and elastin.

Genevieve, by Viveve is a safe, quick, painless and effective procedure that a woman can have performed in her doctor's office on her lunch hour. There's no risks, complications or downtime. By improving sexual sensation with Geneveve by Geneveve women can enjoy intercourse again!

Although a woman does this treatment for herself to make sex more pleasurable, Geneveve by Viveve Geneveve has a significant impact on relationships. Dr. Alan has had tremendous feedback from many women, who've told him Geneveve by Viveve has saved their marriages.

To hear the full interview please go to: Sunday Night Health Show December 18, 2017 show.

Maureen McGrath is a registered nurse, executive director of the Women's Health Initiative Network raising awareness about vaginal, sexual, uterine and bladder health. She is in clinical practice in North Vancouver. She also hosts the Sunday Night Sex Show on CKNW, is a TEDx Speaker, and author of Sex & Health: Why One Can't Come Without the Other. Her radio show is a free download on iTunes. Sunday Night Health Show

To learn more about Geneveve by Viveve go to Geneveve

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A Sexless Marriage…and He Cheated /a-sexless-marriage-and-he-cheated/ /a-sexless-marriage-and-he-cheated/#respond Sun, 04 Feb 2018 18:30:07 +0000 /?p=3059 His lawyer contacted me on Facebook. A modern day approach to an antiquated law still on the books. Divorce is by jury trial in the state of Georgia. In a sexless marriage, her client had "an affair."

He couldn't resist the temptation to cheat five times in three months. Hardly an affair. She'd asked him how he was. He succumbed. That's all it took for this God-fearing man.

They'd watched my TEDx talk on the No Sex Marriage: Masturbation, Loneliness, Cheating and Shame. She wanted me to be an expert witness in his divorce trial.

He admitted to the indiscretion. Regardless, the division of assets lay in the hands of twelve southern jurors, not one with a high school diploma.

The deposition read like War and Peace, sans peace. 1000 pages, the cheating paled by comparison to the lesbian liaisons, limousine lovers, parental alienation, drinking, hateful women and murder.

Cheating is the ultimate betrayal but so is imposing fidelity in a sexless marriage.

In late winter, I flew to Georgia.

We met for dinner, the lawyer, her client and me. His lawyer wasn't sure if the best strategy was to bring attention to his indiscretion. The jury was impatient. This trial had been going on for weeks.

His ex-wife subpoenaed sixty friends. Besides, the lawyer felt the jury empathized with him.

A recess for Christmas. The trial played out into the New Year.

The assets were divided unfairly……in his estimation. His legal bill was $300,000.

Betrayal all around. He believed she never loved him. He didn't want the marriage to end.

The real sadness is that this couple never had the right help. Sexless marriage is a thing. There is help.

Maureen McGrath hosts the Sunday Night Health Show on CKNW, CHQR, CHED and CJOB. She is a registered nurse , executive director of the Women’s Health Initiative Network, and in clinical practice in North Vancouver. She also does telehealth consults for people and couples all around the world. A TEDx speaker, she is author of Sex & Health: Why One Can’t Come Without the Other. Her radio show is a free download on iTunes. Sextalk

Her website is: Back To The Bedroom

To book an appointment email Maureen at: [email protected]

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What’s on The Menu Tonight Honey? Super Foods For Your Sex Life! /whats-on-the-menu-tonight-honey-super-foods-for-your-sex-life/ /whats-on-the-menu-tonight-honey-super-foods-for-your-sex-life/#respond Sat, 20 Jan 2018 05:01:22 +0000 /?p=3052 It’s no secret that after a period of time, sex becomes stale. Same old, same old and “you again” are common sentiments of the sexually bored. It’s important to recognize this hum drum roll in the hay when it begins because it places couples at risk of infidelity amongst other problems.

Recognition of the problem is a good place to begin. Try not to have hurt feelings over this problem. It's a common couple occurrence. And, it’s not just men who suffer insipid sex. Women actually report boredom in the bedroom more often than men, according to research. Time to really man up guys!

There's something new on the menu for you. Set aside more time than you think you’ll need to satiate your sexual desires. Go in hungry, literally hungry. Be open. Be vulnerable. Own it. . Check your problems at the door. Keep the end game in mind. It’ll be fantastic, you’ll feel fulfilled and fabulous--if you follow my lead!

Chances are you have not satiated your sexual palate lately. Make a commitment together that the two of you will add flavour to your sexual repertoire. To do so, look no further than your own refrigerator--time to bring in the aphrodisiacs! Pour yourself a stiff drink. Then get out the whipping cream, chocolate sauce, honey, maple syrup and more. The ultimate in oral sex.

Now you’re getting it. Maybe it’s time to rekindle the flame somewhere other than your bedroom. Make love in the lav. Dim the lights, add candles. Think shower head. Excellent for experiencing sexual pleasure. Besides, it’ll make things hot and steamy. Place some thick luscious towels on the base of the tub and hop in. Run warm water, bask in your oasis.

Set up a smorgasbord of your favourite sensual flavours soon to be turned into sexual sensation delicacies. The softness of the whipping cream, the silkiness of chocolate, the sweetness of honey making a mess of maple syrup! Invite your lover to pick their favourite flavour gently applying, rubbing, massaging onto their erogenous zones. Touch, lick, taste. Oral love play.

Head for the shower, it’ll add some splash! With a little creativity, imagination, time and a towel, you’ll soon be asking, “what’s on the menu tonight, honey?”

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I’m Having an Extra Marital Affair, Now What? /im-having-an-extra-marital-affair-now-what/ /im-having-an-extra-marital-affair-now-what/#respond Sun, 07 Jan 2018 19:09:50 +0000 /?p=3025 A battle cry all too common within the confines of my clinical practice. The reasons for getting involved with someone outside of one's marriage are very different from the reasons for leaving one's marriage.

Such was the case with Robert who got himself into a right mess. Robert met a woman at work to whom he was quite sexually attracted. Robert of course was not the "cheating kind." No one ever is. They started with long chats over coffee breaks which rapidly progressed to lovemaking at lunch. They would go for long walks along the ocean and slip in behind a tree in the forest, having passionate sex. It was fun and exciting!

Robert was at great risk for an extramarital affair (not an excuse) as he was a very vulnerable man. You see, Robert 43, married father of four was in a sexless marriage. He and his wife had not had sex for two years. He wasn't exactly sure why, he said. She'd had a million excuses. Fatigue, headache, too cold, too hot, fat stomach, it's painful and on and on... He wasn't sure which one to believe. They still got along quite well and parented even better together. He was happy with the relationship, just very unhappy with the lack of sex.

Problems begin when his lover told him she had chronic Hepatitis B. Hepatitis B is a liver disease caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). HBV is spread through contact with infected blood and body fluids including semen and vaginal fluid. Many people will contract acute Hepatitis B and will clear the virus within six months. In others it will become a chronic disease and may lead to cirrhosis, liver cancer, liver failure and early death. People can be vaccinated against Hepatitis B, however about 7% of those vaccinated will not build immunity.

Robert was a bit of a germaphobe and this led to anxiety for him. He and his mistress practiced safe sex with condoms and he used a dental dam to go down on her. This didn't give him 100% comfort and it shouldn't. Only 50% of those infected with HBV exhibit symptoms which may take 2 to 6 months to appear. Symptoms of HBV infection are: fatigue, loss of appetite, fever, nausea, vomiting, dark urine, pale stools, stomach pain, joint pain and jaundice. You can still infect someone during this time. Robert was devastated to learn that he may transmit Hepatitis B onto his unsuspecting wife.

The other problem for Robert was that his mistress was pressuring him to leave his wife and move in with her. He just wanted the sex, she desired more. This gave Robert pause."Would the sexual desire wane in the relationship with his mistress after a few years?" he asked. Most likely it would, due to the brain hormone PEA which accounts for the excitement when you first meet someone. The covert nature of the affair adds another element of excitement as well. I also reminded Robert that his risk of contracting HBV was significantly greater if he moved in with his mistress.

After careful consideration of his situation, Robert realized he might be jumping from the frying pan straight into the fire. I suggested he return to his wife and his marriage emotionally and hopefully with time and guidance, physically too. In order to do this, he would need to cut off all ties with his mistress. It would hurt. He and his mistress would need to grieve that relationship. I also recommended he obtain a Hepatitis B test now and again in six months.

But the repair of the relationship would need to begin before the tests results were back. His affair was his and he would have to bear it's burden. He felt guilt and wondered if he should disclose this to his wife. No need at this point. Telling her about his affair will only hurt her. That may change and there may come a time when he has to do so. Let's hope not.

Robert felt this was a good plan. Regardless of the outcome, Robert would feel better knowing he had at least tried to work out his marital issues. It's been three weeks since Robert came to see me. I see he and his wife have made and appointment with me for next week. Let the healing begin.

It's stories like Robert's that inspired me to write Sex & Health; Why One Can't Come Without The Other available for download on Amazon. You can also order it in hard copy on my website: Sex & Health Hard Copy

Maureen McGrath hosts the Sunday Night Sex Show on CKNW. She is a registered nurse , executive director of the Women’s Health Initiative Network, and in clinical practice in North Vancouver. She also does telehealth consults for people and couples all around the world. A TEDx speaker, she is author of Sex & Health: Why One Can’t Come Without the Other. Her radio show is a free download on iTunes. Sextalk

Her website is: Back To The Bedroom

To book an appointment email Maureen at: [email protected]

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